













This red wine is produced since 1892 and was awarded many times for its quality. This wine is the “heart” of our production and it is made with 100% Sangiovese grapes from our best vineyards in Montalcino.

Grapes Sangiovese 100%.

Vineyards Property of Fattoria dei Barbi, located in the district of Montalcino and registered for Brunello di Montalcino production. Soil: marl, alberese limestone. Altitude: 300-500 mt slm. Average Age: 15 – 20 years. Orientation: South. Vine Training System: Cordone libero. Vine Stock per Hectar: 5.000. Yield per Hectar: 65 ql.

The Year 2015 The end of the Winter and beginning of Spring were marked by heavy rains, which premitted the storage of abundant water supply. A fluctuating climatic condition in April and May gave way to an higher than usual temperature from June until mid August, with very little rains. In the second half of August providential regular rains restored the ideal conditions for the vine’s growth. In September, the temperatures kept mild during day light and fresh at night time. The regular and steady maturation of the grapes allowed a perfect balance between sugar and acidity. The harvest took place from September 28th and October 7th.

Vinification Before the fermentation the grapes were subjected to a cold pre-fermentative maceration which consists in cooling the grapes at a temperature of 16° C in an environment protected by CO2. This process increases the extraction of polyphenols and aroma compounds. The regular alcoholic fermentation followed and lasted 16/17 days at a controlled temperature of 27°-28°C. After the racking and the malolactic fermentation the wine aged in small-medium size oak barrels (2,25 – 15 hl) for the first months. Later it completed the aging in larger oak barrels, for a total period of two years and then is bottled at least 4 months before the release.

Chemical analysis Alcohol 14.85% – Tot. Ac. 5.7 g/l – Vol. Ac. 0.47 g/l – Residual sugars < 1.3 g/l – Dry Extract 29.2 g/l.

Sensory analysis Colour: brilliant and intense ruby red. Bouquet: spicy, hints of pink pepper, wild herbs, plum, blueberry and rhubarb. Taste: large and well structured. The sip is long, juicy and savoury. Very persistent.

Food Combination Perfect for important dishes, roasted or grilled red meats, game, venison, stewed wild boar. Excellent with mature cheeses.

Serving Temperature 18°C.

Capacity of Ageing 15-50 years.

Conservation and Storage Keep the bottle horizontally in a dark place at a temperature of 12°-14°C.

Issue: September 22, 2020
Score: 88

Pure, young and textured, with weighty ripe red plums, mushroom, tobacco and leather.

Issue: May 12, 2020
Score: 89

Etwas entwickelter, ganz leicht fleischig-animalischer und auch floraler Duft nach roten und ein wenig schwarzen Beeren mit einem Hauch Zwetschgen, tabakigen Holzaromen, angedeutet Auberginen sowie einem Hauch Teer. Reife, ziemlich saftige Frucht mit gewürzigen Aromen sowie kandiert-nussigen Tönen, mürbes, noch jugendliches Tannin, etwas Biss, nachhaltig am Gaumen, im Hintergrund salzige Anklänge, wieder auch animalische Töne, sehr guter, recht saftiger und würziger, noch eine Spur trocknender Abgang mit schokoladig-holzigen Noten. Trinkempfehlung: 2021-2028+. Zuletzt bewertet: 12. Mai 2020.